Illustration of a computer monitor and a keyboard. On the screen is a search bar and hovering over the monitor is a magnifying glass
AlexSecret / iStock
Tuesday 10th October 2023

7 reasons why PRs should use SEO to empower campaigns

Want a higher Google ranking to acquire more traffic and drive business? Course you do! Here’s how comms professionals can and must embrace the mysterious art of SEO…

First rule of being a PR professional? Be ready to adapt and evolve alongside the ever-changing landscape of the world. To put this into perspective, cast your mind back a decade. You’ll be in a TikTok-less world with a social media platform called Vine and the Harlem Shake everywhere… How far we’ve come.

But one thing that’s always remained constant is the presence of SEO (search engine optimisation) – the art of ranking your website higher on Google to acquire more organic traffic and drive business. SEO is essential for an effective and successful online presence, so it’s crucial to know the benefits of integrating it into PR strategies.

Here’s seven reasons why PRs need to use SEO and empower their campaigns.

1. Supercharged website visibility via link building

SEO and PR are two sides of the same coin when it comes to link building. High-quality backlinks from authoritative websites significantly boost your website’s visibility and credibility. They act as signs to Google that say ‘website A (an authoritative site) trusts website B (your site), and website B will be rewarded with SEO benefits’. It’s as simple as that. 

If PR professionals are already creating compelling stories and content online, layering this with a targeted keyword and link building strategy will have invaluable results.

2. Improved rank in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages)

Appearing on the first page of the SERPs is a coveted position, and good SEO is key to getting there. By optimising your content and leveraging PR efforts, you can improve your website’s ranking for relevant keywords. This increased visibility will lead to more organic traffic and heightened brand awareness.

By pushing your campaigns out with a flagship keyword (ie the word that people would search to find your business without using your business name), then your campaigns will hold more value.

3. A stronger and more authoritative website

SEO isn’t just about keywords; it’s also about demonstrating authority in your niche. PR campaigns generate media coverage and mentions from industry experts, which can be leveraged to strengthen your website’s authority in the eyes of search engines. This authority can, in turn, boost your rankings in the SERPs.

Our top tip? Whatever content you’re sending out off-site, support with relevant on-site content. It just helps for Google and your audience to connect the dots.

4. More valuable campaigns

In the digital age, PR and SEO are inextricably linked. They directly benefit one another and by becoming SEO savvy, you add a lot of value to your business, clients and customers. Incorporating SEO best practices into your PR campaigns is good practice in today’s online landscape.

That campaign you just got amazing results with? Imagine if you’d layered it with SEO know-how to squeeze even more value out of it for your client.

5. Improved rank for keywords (and attract more customers!)

We all know the importance of site traffic. Whether you’re selling goods or services, getting people into your virtual shop is absolutely essential. 

So, when you combine PR efforts with SEO, you can strategically optimise your content to rank for keywords that are not only relevant but also likely to bring in more customers and clients. This results in more leads and ultimately new customers, clients, and opportunities. 

The tricky bit is knowing which keywords to pursue. For example, you might think a certain keyword is worth pursuing, but it may turn out that the search volume is too low and won’t bring any change. With SEO and PR, knowledge and insight are everything.

6. Provide clients with deeper insight

PR campaigns often rely on metrics like reach and media mentions. While they’re valuable insights, there are much more valuable ones with SEO. By incorporating SEO, you can track additional metrics such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rates. These metrics provide a more comprehensive view of your campaign’s success and can help you fine-tune your strategies.

7. Future-proof your skills

SEO tools provide invaluable data insights. By analysing keyword performance, click-through rates, and user behaviour, PR professionals can gain a deeper understanding of their audience’s preferences and behaviours. This data can inform future PR strategies and content creation.

In conclusion, the synergy between PR and SEO is undeniable. PR professionals who harness the power of SEO can supercharge their campaigns, improve their online visibility, and achieve better results. In an era where digital presence is paramount, embracing SEO as an integral part of your PR strategy is a smart move that can empower your brand and ensure its continued success.

Barney Packer is founder and director of Modern Classic Digital, a digital pr agency dedicated to helping businesses thrive in the digital age.

Barney Packer, a white man with blond hair, wearing a blue check shirt. He is stood with his arms crossed. Behind him are trees.