Computer generated image of a three dimensional gold star on a gold circular podium. The centre of the star dazzles. There is a carpet of gold triangle shapes around the podium
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Tuesday 16th April 2024

Data and diamonds: Unveiling the PR award formula

In the face of fierce competition, how can public relations professionals make their entry shine brighter than the rest?

Though we may love the red carpets and acceptance speeches, the true trophy in today's agency battlefield lies in data-driven storytelling. In a market where over 4,500 UK agencies vie for attention, standing out requires more than a catchy slogan. It demands a narrative that resonates, seamlessly blending the power of human stories with irrefutable data.

Awards are more than just bragging rights; they're powerful differentiators, attracting clients and boosting team morale. 

But in this fierce competition, how do you make your entry shine brighter than the rest? Embrace the power of data. Don't just tell, show. Transform dry numbers into a captivating narrative, painting a picture beyond mere claims and showcasing the undeniable impact of your agency. Ditch the tired tropes and step into the spotlight with a data-driven story that leaves judges speechless and your agency victorious, budget increase or not.

Step 1 - Unlock your award potential: Aligning metrics with categories

Not all awards are created equal. Before diving headfirst into award entries, use measurement tools to understand your campaign's performance across relevant metrics. This data will help you identify award categories that align with your strengths and best showcase the impact of your work.

For example, if your measurement reveals a significant uptick in website traffic or lead generation, enter award categories such as ‘best digital campaign’ or ‘outstanding lead generation’. While the urge to enter everything might be tempting, strategic selection is key. A targeted entry demonstrating clear impact alignment with the category is far more likely to catch the judges' eye than a scattered approach.

Step 2 - Captivate your audience: Storytelling using real time data

Once armed with data, it's time to weave it into a compelling narrative. Your award submission should read like a captivating story, showcasing the journey and impact of your campaign. Use real-time analytics and PR measurement dashboards to provide dynamic insights, emphasising the immediate and lasting effects of your strategy and tactics.

Simply saying the campaign was a success won’t be enough to take home the crown. Be prepared to pull out all the data that doesn’t just prove your success but also demonstrates the value of your work. Percentage increases in brand awareness, conversion rates or coverage quantity are great statistics to use for this.

Step 3 - Awards with bite: Choosing categories that showcase your strength

According to a recent LinkedIn poll of more than 950 PR professionals, over eight in 10 believe that awards are worth the PR investment. Yet more than half of those feel that this is only the case for certain awards. This is why it’s important to research which awards are valued by your target audience and stakeholders. Are they industry-specific awards with high recognition among potential clients? Or are they broader awards that will resonate with a wider audience? Aligning your submissions with the right awards demonstrates strategic thinking and positions your agency for maximum impact.

Tailoring your submission to highlight how your achievements align with the criteria valued by these stakeholders can help boost the value you gain from being shortlisted and winning awards.  

Step 4 - The encore effect: Amplifying your success beyond the ceremony

Don't let the applause fade. Unveil your award as the marketing powerhouse it truly is. In this competitive landscape, a win transcends recognition; it's a strategic lever to elevate your agency.

Go beyond the celebratory toast on the night of the awards. Make the celebrations last by showcasing your triumph across all channels: website, social media, press releases, marketing materials, case studies, and client pitches. Let it be a beacon of your agency's excellence. But the journey doesn't end there. Craft compelling content – blog posts and social media assets – that delve deeper into the winning strategies and results. This isn't simply bragging; it's a magnet for potential clients seeking proven expertise.

Remember, data is your secret weapon. It refines your entries, fuels impactful stories, and amplifies your success. By transforming award wins into valuable marketing assets, you demonstrate that winning is just the springboard for an even more remarkable PR journey. Step onto the podium, embrace the spotlight, and watch your award propel your agency towards unprecedented heights.

Jason Weekes is commercial director at media intelligence service provider CARMA.