A man, who is white with short hair, wears a vest and shorts while sat holding a protein shake canister, on a gym mat on the floor. He is holding two fingers up while staring at a smartphone on a tripod, which is recording him. Next to him is a sofa.
Jun / iStock
Tuesday 5th September 2023

How to craft effective online narratives with influencers

Your brand’s perception can be enhanced by influencers who authentically align with your values – if done right…

In the age of social media, one of the most influential and impactful strategies to emerge in recent years is leveraging influencers to create compelling online narratives. But while it sounds simple enough, the skill of equipping an influencer with the tools and understanding to correctly represent a brand online is much more intricate.

As an expert in the field of digital PR, I have witnessed first-hand the tremendous potential that influencers hold in shaping brand stories and enhancing brand perception. But how can brands craft authentic and captivating online narratives by partnering with influencers?

Identifying the right influencers

The foundation of any successful influencer marketing campaign lies in identifying the right influencers for your brand. While selecting influencers, it is crucial to go beyond just their follower count. Look for influencers who align with your brand values, niche, and target audience. Micro-influencers with a smaller but highly engaged following often yield better results compared to macro-influencers that have a massive yet less engaged audience. Not just this, but we know that 10 micro-influencers are infinitely better than one macro-influencer. You get more social media presence, a bank of amazing content, and a whole group of influencers saying positive things about your brand.

Be sure to employ sophisticated analytics and data-driven strategies to identify the perfect influencers, too. If you build an influencer campaign on unstable foundations, then you are destined to crumble. Finding quality influencers gives both yourself and the client peace of mind when campaigns are active. You’ll know that you’ve researched correctly and accurately, while the client will trust you for being so thorough. It’s imperative that anyone working with influencers does this.

Lastly, ensure that the influencers you collaborate with have a genuine connection with the brand, making the narratives more authentic and compelling. I’ve seen all too many times campaigns falling apart because the partnership had no true meaning and audiences can clearly see this.

Authentic storytelling

Influencers possess a talent for storytelling that resonates with their audience on a personal level. Brands can tap into this expertise to create authentic narratives that convey their values and brand essence. But, instead of dictating strict guidelines, encourage influencers to weave your brand message into their own stories naturally.

A key aspect of successful storytelling is maintaining transparency. Audiences are savvy and can quickly identify inauthentic content. By allowing influencers creative freedom and being transparent about the collaboration, brands can build trust with their audience and foster long-term relationships.

When crafting narratives, don’t see it as telling one story per influencer. Instead, use every influencer as a crucial chapter of a larger story. This gives a real sense of synergy and cohesiveness when audiences see your brand online. It also creates the feeling of something new but familiar when an audience member repeatedly comes across your brand.

Leveraging diverse content formats

Digital influencers can create a range of visual content, from engaging videos to eye-catching images. It’s important to make full use of this and plan for each format. If an influencer excels at photography, consider how their visual style fits into the brand and the wider narrative at play. Meanwhile, if an influencer is a skilled videographer, use that as an opportunity to bring a product to life with music and voiceovers. A blend of video, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and captivating visuals can have huge benefits to a brand's narrative.

Emphasising long-term partnerships

While one-off influencer campaigns can generate short-term buzz, long-term partnerships create a more lasting impact on the brand narrative. Investing in long-term relationships with influencers allows brands to build deeper connections with their audience over time. 

Regular collaborations reinforce the brand message and help create a cohesive online narrative. It also becomes a real-life example of brand loyalty. If an influencer continues to work with a brand, then that is an endorsement in itself. Remember; storytelling isn’t always just about the story, but what it stands for and represents.

We advocate for nurturing enduring relationships with influencers. By fostering loyalty and providing ongoing support to influencers, brands can inspire them to become genuine advocates for the brand.

Measuring impact and adaptation

To ensure the success of influencer-driven online narratives, it is essential to measure the impact of these campaigns. For anyone putting together a report on influencer activity, be sure to include detailed analytics and statistics such as reach, engagement and conversion rates.

Monitoring these metrics not only allows you to assess the effectiveness of online narratives but also empowers the client relationship to adapt and refine strategies for future campaigns. Continuous improvement is a vital aspect of staying ahead in the modern digital landscape, which changes every single day.

To conclude, the era of influencers has opened up boundless opportunities for brands to create captivating online narratives that resonate with their target audience. By identifying the right influencers, promoting authentic storytelling, embracing diverse content formats, fostering long-term partnerships, and diligently measuring impact, brands can harness the true potential of influencer marketing.

Barney Packer is the founder and director of UK digital PR agency, Modern Classic Digital. With just under a decade of experience in the communications industry, Barney formed the agency as a solution to getting brands of all sizes seen online.

Barney Packer, a white man with blond hair, looking at the camera with his arms crossed. Behind him is green foliage.