A computer generated image of a blue coloured brain placed in the middle of a turquoise and purple circuit board
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Friday 14th June 2024

The rise of open hybrid GenAI platforms

We’re at the point where artificial intelligence is being referred to as ‘traditional’

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been steadily transforming business, now a new wave is poised to make a seismic impact: generative AI (GenAI) tool adoption. In fact, we may have already reached the inflection point.

Unlike traditional AI that analyses data, GenAI goes a step further. It applies analysis to create entirely new content, be it realistic images, marketing copy, or innovative product designs.

A recent Gartner study revealed that GenAI is the most frequently deployed AI solution in organisations. This is marking the dawn of a new global era in human-machine collaboration.

"GenAI is acting as a catalyst for the expansion of AI in the enterprise," said Leinar Ramos, senior director analyst at Gartner. "This creates a window of opportunity for AI leaders, but also a test on whether they will be able to capitalise on this moment and deliver value at scale."

Global generative AI market development

Gartner's survey found that, on average, only 48 percent of AI projects make it into production, and it takes eight months to go from AI prototype to production. Their market study found nearly half of all organisations are already leveraging GenAI in some capacity.

However, I believe the full power of GenAI lies not in a singular solution, but in the strategic orchestration of diverse vendor offerings. Different GenAI tools excel at specific tasks.

One tool can generate realistic product prototypes, while another might be the master of crafting personalised customer service narratives. Recognising this crucial difference, the preferred approach is an ‘open hybrid GenAI’ platform architecture.

Based on my assessment, this approach advocates for a purposeful blend of on-premises open-source GenAI platforms, alongside a selection of proprietary cloud-based GenAI solutions from different hyperscale vendors.

There are several compelling reasons for this hybrid architecture. Firstly, open-source platforms offer unparalleled flexibility and secure customisation, empowering enterprise leaders to tailor GenAI tools to their unique business application needs.

Secondly, proprietary cloud-based GenAI solutions often boast emerging capabilities and are constantly evolving due to the rapid pace of innovation within leading tech companies.

By adopting an open hybrid approach, savvy leaders can apply the best of both worlds: the customisability and secure control of open-source platforms combined with the latest new advancements offered by public cloud service providers.

The benefits of an open hybrid GenAI architecture extend beyond mere technological prowess.  It fosters a spirit of innovation and agility within forward-thinking organisations.

By not being locked into a single vendor's ecosystem, enterprises are free to experiment with different GenAI tools and discover the most effective solutions for their specific use cases.

This flexible approach mitigates vendor lock-in and ensures open access to the most cost-effective models – so that single vendors can't limit access to best-in-class GenAI apps.

That said, I envision an open hybrid generative AI architecture that will empower progressive organisations to become app orchestrators. They will act as conductors, skilfully bringing together a symphony of chosen GenAI tools to achieve their desired business outcomes.

This exemplifies the power of an open hybrid approach, allowing enterprises to harness the best strengths of combined GenAI solutions for a transformative digital business impact.

Outlook for GenAI tool orchestration growth

In conclusion, Gartner's study underscores the pivotal role GenAI now plays in digital transformation strategies. However, the key to unlocking its full strategic potential lies in adopting the right architecture.

The primary obstacle to AI tool adoption, as reported by 49 percent of Gartner survey participants, is the difficulty in estimating and demonstrating the "value" of AI projects. This issue surpasses other barriers such as talent shortages, technical difficulties, data-related problems, lack of business alignment and trust in AI solutions.

A strategic foresight game plan allows savvy business and IT leaders to leverage the strengths of both open-source and proprietary cloud-based solutions, fostering innovation and agility.

That's why I'm convinced that open hybrid GenAI solutions are the essential deployment model to ensure that organisations are armed with the means to develop use cases aligned with strategic priorities. That's the GenAI value creation enabler executives truly crave.

David H. Deans is the managing editor and publisher at Digital Lifescapes where this blog was first published. Read David’s original post.